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Realism is not the main strength of current theoretical models in mainstream economics. By contrast, the user-friendly comparison of a good deal of selected data can do a lot for inspiring new directions of research.

Wide databases give the researcher a rich picture of how the economy works, reveal repetitive patterns and stylized facts, enhance the forecasting abilities as well as they give instances of policy effects. Data for microeconomics and for macroeconomics should be mixed up in order to link the two overlapping theoretical fields.

Structural comparisons exhibit common behaviour of variables, opening the path for theory.


Selected contents

GDP and macroeconomic components (1946-2007)

More than 170 countries included in this dataset in Excel format with GDP, Exports, Imports, Investment, Consumption, Government Expenditure in constant prices.

Income distribution: All the Ginis in Excel format

We redistribute in Excel format the 2019 database, here in Stata format, whose variable description is here. It is a standard dataset of a single indicator (the Gini coefficient) collapsing a whole income distribution, often used in cross-country econometric analysis. To understand what is actually happening in a country, it is much better to use the Gradin WIID Companion database, especially if reinterpreted by EWI own tool (the Lorenz morphospace). Readers can send us an email for accessing this piece of research.


Historical data about population, GDP and per-capita GDP in all countries of the world since centuries ago

GDP dynamics in all countries in the world (first half of 2017)

GDP and its components (on-going updates with a few years of forecast ahead)

Interest rates (all countries and on-going)

Bilateral and total trade of all countries in the world: a long time series (52 years)

52 square matrices in easy MS Excel format.

Population and location (longitute, latitude) of more than 47000 cities in the world

Public expenditure items worldwide (147 countries) 1980-2013

Effective hours worked during a business cycle: 1998-2013 (28 countries)

Macroeconomic data from the European Union (2013)

FDI Inflows, outflows, inward stock and outwardstock in 200 countries - a long time-series (1970-2003)

Emigrants' remittances (205 countries): a long time series

Bilateral remittances flows worldwide

World market share - daily - for web browsers (2008-2012)

Look at real data about the diffusion of Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Chrome - how new versions cannibalise earlier ones or try to gain market share from competitors. Check in the original source whether your country leads or follows world dynamics.


Piketty's database of income and wealth at the top

Available data in wide historical, recent and geographical coverage


Historical trade data (1900-1960) - 21 major economies


South Africa interactive database of downloadable datasets

Country profiles


Advertising expenditure (1999-2010) in Japan


Central bank interest rates in 65 countries (2000-2014)


Official interest rates in 6 major countries (1980-2011) - monthly data

MS Excel

Long-term interest rates in the EU countries

Interest spread across Europe.


CO2 emissions and other GHG emissions

Climate change is influenced by human CO2 emissions. The international distribution of emissions for 41 countries (1990-2005) and 72 countries (2008-2010)



Global data 2009 for 65+ countries - data released in August 2010

Global data 2010 and analysis - data released on September 2011

Country and global data 2010 - released in November 2011with percentage changes and structure across countries.



GDP dynamics (1969-2009) - 192 countries

MS Excel

A very long time series: GDP growth in Sweden (1720-2000)

MS Excel


Long-term macroeconomic data for 136 countries and 42 years

The most user-friendly distribution of the main international database on GDP components (consumption, investment, public expenditure and net exports) for 136 countries and 42 years. Excellent for international comparisons, long-term growth enquiries and business cycle analysis, since it provides real values at constant prices comparable over time and countries.

MS Excel

MS Access


India time series of Reform Index and Quality of Life Index

In an innovative attempt to quantify institutional change, a comprehensive measure for Economic reforms for India was developed in the form of a Composite Index for the period 1975 to 2006. Similarly, a time series of Quality of Life was computed as well.

MS Excel data and MS Word Methodology



Bilateral trade by product

A huge cubic matrix of international trade by exporter, importer and product. More than 1 million records indicating trade among any two countries in the world (total and by product). From this datase you can extract the world market for more than 1000 product categories (standard SITC codes at 4-digits of aggregation), exhaustive of merchandise trade. Cumulative values for 1998, 1999 and 2000. Data in DBF format, easily readably by free viewers and MS Access.



Consumers' microdata: incomes, preferences, purchase timing

Wage microdata: a random sample with age, education, sex, marital status, sector, occupation and other variables


Preparing diachronic trade network data with Stata

Essay by Dr. Simon Fink quoting EWI work on trade data


Population forecast for all countries in the world (total, urban, rural, density,...) as well as a complete 2004 State of the World population (health, indicators,...)


Ageing population: the share of over 60 across the world (160 countries)


Tourist arrival and their expenditure

Number of tourists for Tonga, Fiji, French Polinesia, Samoa, Kiribati and other 194 countries (2000-2006), with some dollar expenditure.

MS Excel


Biodiversity in EU - awareness and attitudes

A survey in 27 countries about the importance of natural species survival and the wider biodiversity issues, as the relevance of climate change and other stressors.


Telephone calls country by country: a long time series

Minutes of conversation at the phone between couple of countries (193 available nations) from 1983 to 1995.

MS Excel

Reference site


Advertising expenditure by product

MS Excel


The effectiveness of advertising - an analysis


World trademarks registration by country and economic sector - a time-series

The Madrid system for the international registration of marks provides data and explanatory notes to this key element of Intellectual Property Rights protection.

Total bilateral merchandise balance among 99 countries (1998 and 2003)


The Millennium Development Goals: the 2006 report on achievements and failures

Essay on the world in 2006

Essay on Africa MDG in 2006


External funds to overall African development

Comparative data of different capital flows (FDI, Net official development assistance, private remittances, long-term debt) across time and macro-regions.



Assessing the sustainability of the world

Link to data and tools


Real world elasticity in 144 countries - Price elasticities and income elasticities of consumption classes (food and non-food) - Food share on household budget

MS Excel

Energy consumption and production by country (1980-2002)


Simplified aggregate balance sheets: a time series

Turn-over, value added, profits, employment and other firm data during the business cycles.

MS Excel


Exports, imports, trade balances for 181 countries - a time-series

Absolute figures, shares in world trade, rankings.

MS Excel


2004 Labour market levels and trends in all countries of the world: employment and unemployment in the general population, the youth, the women

MS Excel [1200 KB]


Income distribution in 2007 and 2025 in 600 cities of the world


Economic data: The presence and employment of SMEs in 119 countries


Comparative time series for employment, unemployment, labour force and working-age population in 28 countries (1981-2003)

Europe, Asia, America and Oceania covered.

MS Excel


Input-output matrix of African emigration of high skilled workers (53 African countries x 9 receiving countries)


Micro-data archive of labour market histories

Based on Inps administrative archives, WHIP is a huge and representative database of individual work histories.
The reference population is made up by all the people – Italian and foreign – who have worked in Italy even only for only a part of their working career. A large representative sample has been extracted from this population: in the standard file the sampling coefficient is about 1: 180, for a dynamic population of about 370,000 people (figures will be doubled in the full edition).
For each of these people the main episodes of their working careers are observed. The complete list of observations includes: private employee working contracts, atypical contracts, self-employment activities as artisan, trader and some activities as freelancer, retirement spells, as well as non-working spells in which the individual received social benefits, like unemployment subsidies or mobility benefits.

Site Download


Economic data: Capital stock: a time-series by country


Readership of daily newspaper by occupation

MS Excel


The diffusion of contraceptive methods across the world (160 countries)

MS Excel


Economic data: AIDS / HIV worldwide: a time-series


An international comparison of 13 key indicators of innovation: the European Innovation Scoreboard (2002)

MS Excel


2005 R&D spending in Europe, China, Japan and US



2004 GGI judgement and data about how the world is coping with its main challenges

PDF [1000 KB]

Foreign direct investment by country and sector

For each country, the share of fdi from major sources is split by sector. A sectoral specialization emerges, reflecting both real opportunities and the perceived image of the country abroad.



Inflation rates for 170 countries (1970-1996)

Yearly dynamics of inflation is presented in one sheet. Is price stability a common feature of the world economies? Is hyperinflation a disease that hurts some groups of countries more than others? Discover the answers to these and many other macroeconomics questions just analysing the real data.

MS Excel


93 Food products price series for 198 countries (1985-2001 and 2001-2008)

The price of sugar, milk, meat and many more foodstuffs. Ideal to compare price structures over countries and time. By transforming these local-currency data in dollars, you can test the "one price law", according to which any good has the same price worldwide, after taken into account nominal exchange rates. Comparing with world wages, you get the real purchasing power of people in food terms.

MS Excel


Gender statistics from all over the world


Income, consumer expenditure, and price level in a regional comparison

MS Excel


Stock exchange index for 10 markets (S&P500, Nikkei, Dax, Cac,...) - Daily quotes (1995-2000)


Consumers' macroeconomic expectations by age, gender, education and household expenditure



Environmental respect data: the number of ISO14000 certified firms in 98 countries - a time-series

MS Excel


Profit ratio to employed capital: an international comparison of profitability over time (34 countries)



Origins and destinations in world trade - Trade flows over time

MS Excel


Daily time spent on different activities by employment status, sex, and age

MS Excel [19 KB]


World trade statistics ()

Years: 2000 2004


Education attainments in reading: a comparison of 35 countries with trends

An exceptional survey by IEA’s Study of Reading Literacy (PIRL), with microdata available.

PDF [8 MB]


Tax revenue in OECD countries (1966-2000) plus a comparison in tax systems


Composition of public expenditure (education, health, defence...) - 69 countries in Africa, Asia, America, Europe (1975-1985)



Quality of education: 16 indicators

Academic attainments in math, literacy, ICT,...; participation, completion and drop out rates; resources...

Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy,Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Finland, Sweden, the United Kingdom,Cyprus, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Slovenia


Life expectancy and healthy life expectancy (HALE) (55 countries)


Exchange rates for 200 currencies, spanning across more than 20 years

In one sheet you can track and compare the yearly dynamics of 200 world currencies on the long term. Currency crises, fixed exchange rates and wide fluctuations in a fully international perspective.

MS Excel


M1 data - a long-term money time-series for 19 countries (USA, UK, France, Germany, Japan, Greece,...)


Gross domestic expenditure on R&D by source of funds in 71 countries (e.g. Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Egypt, Germany, Madagascar, Malaysia, Slovakia, Turkey,...)

MS Excel


Human development index (162 countries)

Rich reports of reflections and data.




Oil world prices (1861-1999)

A very long time-series of a crucial price for the world economy. Gain new insights in inflation tides and business cycles.

MS Excel [7 KB]


Energy statistics in OPEC countries (e.g. Algeria, Indonesia, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, etc.) (2000)




World primary commodity prices (54 time series) - Agricolture Raw Materials, Metals (e.g. Zinc, Iron, Aluminium, Copper), Fertilizers, Petroleum, Natural Gas, etc. (1980-2001)

MS Excel


Longitudinal micro-datasets of families on a subannual basis: cash and noncash income, taxes, assets, liabilities, education, age, and participation in government transfer programs. SIPP free data allow the government to evaluate the effectiveness of federal, state, and local programs

Download page


Environmental taxes in 15 countries (1980-1999)

MS Excel


Health and disease statistics worldwide


Cocoa beans world prices (1971 - 2001)

MS Excel [5 KB]


Coffee world prices (1982 - 2000)

Look at the difference in prices for consumers in importing countries and for growers in exporters country. Seasonality analysis feasible, since they are monthly data.

MS Excel [80 KB]


Consumption expenditure by income classes

A typical monthly expenditure structure for different consumption needs, differentiated by income classes of the households. The confirmation of Engel's law of decreasing importance of food (the higher the income) is accompanied by a host of other interesting features.

MS Excel


Savings by income classes


Savings behaviors in the UK population (2000 and 2001)

A commented overview of the micro-data results of a survey on savings rules. The survey has identified four savers’ profiles: Saving Shortfallers - those who struggle simply to make ends meet and who say they cannot afford to put anything by for the future (18% of the population); Saving Shirkers - those who believe that life is for living, who live for the day, and, as a result, save very little (13%); Sometimes Savers - those who realise that they need to save more but make inadequate and haphazard attempts to save on an occasional basis (29%); Savvy Savers - those who believe in the importance of saving and save as much as they can. They tend to have a long-term savings strategy (38% of the population).

Over half of the respondents wish they had started saving earlier.

Dynamics available thanks to a second survey in 2001.

PDF [860 KB]


Data for all the variables in IS-LM model

Comprehensive of 54 variables in long-term annual and quarterly time-series, this US dataset is excellent for students to test the model as well as for researchers to develop original reflections.

MS Excel [104 KB]


EU data for all the variables in IS-LM model (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, UK, Switzerland and other 13 European countries)

MS Excel [550 KB]


Households socio-economic survey in Uganda




Industry-level output, employment, costs, investment, capital stocks over 38 years

An excellent dataset for studying the evolution of hundreds of industries. Useful both for microeconomics and industrial economics purposes.

MS Excel [4 MB]



The share of SMEs in total employment and GDP

Comparable data across many countries and years.

MS Excel


Purchasing Power Parities (30 countries) 1980-2003

Data and use.

MS Excel



Wages in New York

A city wage distribution.

MS Excel [79 KB]


Wages for 22 500 jobs across all industries

The wage distribution with means and medians for a huge number of jobs. How much does a lawyer earn? How many times is he paid more than a food preparation worker? Discover wage inequality thanks to an authoritative US dataset.

MS Excel [2.4 MB]


Comparable wages for 162 jobs in 132 countries

The MS Excel file with a user-friendly interface of the excellent dataset by Freeman - Oostendorp. Long-term time-series from 1983 to 1999. This data set allows for comparison of wages across countries for the same job, over time, underlining the differences between skilled and unskilled works.

MS Excel [2.9 MB]


Long-term interest rates in OECD countries (1982-1998)

A small dataset on interest rates in developed countries, as USA, EU, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Norway.

MS Excel [5 KB]

Government bonds and other rates in 14 countries (2007-2011)


Lending and deposit interest rates in 13 EU countries (1980-2001)

92 national interest rates have been identified and allocated to ten broad categories - six for lending rates and four for deposit rates.

MS Excel [180 KB]


Tax revenue composition (income personal and corporate tax, indirect tax,...)


National income and gross national product, by components - Canada (1926-1976)


Total expenditure on health in OECD countries (1960-2000)


Productivity in 99 countries (1950-2000)

Link to Groningen Growth and Development Centre and The Conference Board, Total Economy Database, February 2004, at, where you'll find a lot of useful industry and macro data.

Personal and government savings in USA, Japan, Germany: a short-run comparison


Attitudes towards democracy, economic and social issues: microdata from African countries at the Afrobarometer


Links to international Recent GDP figures all over the world

GDP, employment, unemployment, wages, consumer prices, tax revenue, balance of payments, and so on. Daily or weekly updated.


Links to international data: World countries 2003 indicators for Human Development Index


Links to international data: Service sector statistics worldwide


Links to international political data: World searchable database of Parliaments composition (by parties, gender, profession)

Select the country, the Parliament branch and "Last Elections" (at the bottom of the page, in small fonts).


Links to international data: World data (1926-1944)

Links to datasets for sociologists


Further current economic and social data for specific countries can be downloaded from the respective statistical offices and central banks, if the case made comparable by using the exchange rates.

Other data are available at the Economics Web Institute in separate pages - please use the Search tool to find where or navigate through the left top page menus.



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